Manoment of Pakistan |

Pakistan is a country which you find four seasons and best atmosphere of world.Pakistan has also strategic position in the world because it has Qaism port in Karachi and Gwadar port in Gwadar Baluchistan.It cultivate the variety of crops like cotton,wheat,rice,sugar Cain,barely,grams,oil seed,pulses,millets,etc.Pakistan has also independent of born the fruit like apple,banana,orange,graph fruit,water melons,melons,grapes,lemon and EtcIt born the a lot of variety of vegetables..Pakistan has honor of 6th atomic power It is also 12th big nation of world.It have 7th biggest army forces in the the whole world.Pakistan has the largest system of canal system.
Pakistan is famous name in sports especially in the game of hockey, cricket,squash and tense.The period of 20 years Pakistan has the champion in
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Pak hockey team has won world cup for 4 times. |
squash .Pak cricket team has won the world cup in 1992 and T20cup in 2010.